The Tula Pink Charm Along

Jan 22, 2016 - 11:06am

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I love Tula Pink's fabrics, I mean who dosen't.
Ms Midge who is the organiser of the Aussie Charm Swaps, announced a Tula swap and I was in!

Grab the Zip It Pattern here.

It involved buying two metres of Tula Fabric, cutting it up into 5'' squares and sending it off.
A few weeks later a pile of 112 different Tula Pink charm squares arrived at my place.

Tula Pink Charm Squares

I then had to decide what to make!
I ended up adding some of my own Tula Pink fabrics and ended up with 209 different charm squares.

Tula Pink Charm Squares

I decided I wanted to make a simple quilt to showcase the fabrics and all the wonderful colours.

Zip It by emma jean jansen

I have named the quilt "Zip It"

Zip It by emma jean jansen

Lots of quilting later!

Zip It by emma jean jansen

I still have to bind but I am waiting on a fabric
delivery for that!

Zip It by emma jean jansen

Zip It by emma jean jansen

Wholesale orders from Creative Abundance

Jan 27, 2016 - 11:23am

Lynn McIndoe: Great blog post. Your quilt is lovely.

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