Week 4 - Bronte's Stars Quilt Sew Along
Mar 9, 2021 - 8:22pm


Welcome to Week 4 of the Bronte's Stars Sew Along.
This week it's time to sew the rest of your blocks but from what I’ve seen in the Facebook Group and on Instagram, some of you have zoomed ahead and have finished all your blocks and even your tops. How did you go? Whatever stage you’re up to, don't worry, I want everyone to enjoy this process and if you want to finish the blocks, go for it! For those that still have blocks to sew, don't stress we still have lots of time to finish,
Don’t forget to post a pic of your second lot of finished blocks on IG and be sure to the use the #brontesstarsSAL and #brontesstarsquilt hashtags to make it easier for others to find your photos. You will also be in the running to win 3 PDF patterns designed by me!
Guess what? This week we are going to be making some more blocks!
I can't help myself, I just wanted to share some more of the gorgeous blocks that have been popping up on instagram. How amazing do they look and how different does the quilt look with a dark or light background? Maybe they might inspire you to make another one!
Chain Piecing:
I thought this week I would share I how do chain piecing. It's not everyone's thing but it does speed up the piecing process if you are willing to give it a try.
Basically instead of piecing 1 block at a time you piece multiple blocks together. With Bronte's Stars, I like to piece four blocks at a time.
The first step is to sew all the squares to the background fabric for the corner blocks. The trick to chain piecing is to not cut the thread between the blocks, you just keep sewing.
If you look closely you will see the thread still joining them. When you don't cut the thread it saves you so much time.
At the end of the sewing you will have a string of blocks! Or even a chain ;)Next up you just need to keep piecing the blocks following all the steps I did last week, except repeating them all 4 times!
Follow the photos below.
Next up you just need to keep piecing the blocks following all the steps I did last week, except repeating them all 4 times!
Follow the photos below.
Now piece the centre blocks and the rest of the steps!
Ta Da.... and just like that you have 4 blocks!
I hope this explains how I do chain piecing. I love the technique, especially now that I have a toddler who is very demanding of my time, so every second I get to sew has to count!
This week's winner is @terisquiltlife
Congratulations and I hope you enjoy your patterns. I'm loving the woven fabrics paired with the low volume background, it's going to look so good!
Next week we will be sewing the last of the blocks, how exciting we are nearly finished!
Happy Patching,
Emma x